Privacy Policy


Quality • Personal Data Protection • Sustainability (ESG) • Security

TekRov FZE-LLC (hereinafter TEKROV) sets itself clear objectives in terms of quality of service provided, protection of personal data, sustainability and safety in the workplace, which it constantly pursues in the execution of its activities.

In this policy, it formalizes the principles, styles of behavior and objectives of TEKROV’s corporate culture.

Quality of services provided

TEKROV wants to be a point of reference for customers for the activities they wish to outsource, proposing qualified services quickly and effectively, the result of experience gained in the field over many years of activity.

Therefore, in pursuing objectives of development and improvement of the competitive capacity aimed at satisfying the needs of the Customer, it is the will of TEKROV to set up its activities in order to:

  • operate taking into account the context in which it is inserted, the expectations of the interested parties and the influences that these could have on the correct performance of operational activities
  • detect, in particular, the needs and expectations of customers, analyzing them and converting them into service requirements;
  • ensure and guarantee the distinctive values of Reliability, Continuity, Integrity, Equality and Protection of Privacy that characterize the Company’s image and competitive positioning in the pertinent market;
  • meet the contractual requirements established with the Customer and the regulatory and mandatory requirements relating to the service provided;
  • monitor costs, guaranteeing the quality of processes;
  • empowering individuals and motivating personnel, promoting their capacity development
  • professional;
  • promote the risk-based thinking approach within the organization, identifying, monitoring and assessing the level of corporate risk, also relating to the loss of information security, in order to take appropriate actions to reduce its impact;
  • ensure maximum collaboration with external subjects who become part of the organization’s production process;
  • share and focus on management, process and customer satisfaction objectives at all organizational levels;
  • continuously seek opportunities to increase productivity, efficiency and market shares, as well as implement continuous technological innovation in order to increase its competitiveness and improve the quality of services provided to the customer;
  • identify measurable objectives and verify their achievement through appropriate performance indicators;
  • pursue the continuous improvement of processes and the effectiveness of the Quality Management System;

Protection of personal data

TEKROV is the Data Controller that it uses to carry out its business, it is therefore legally responsible for compliance with the obligations established by current legislation and therefore protects the confidentiality of personal data and guarantees the necessary protection from any event that could put them at risk of violation.

To this end, it has defined and identified internally processes, responsibilities, procedures aimed at guaranteeing full compliance with current regulations, in particular TEKROV acts in such a way as to:

  • protect the information and data managed within the scope of its activities from all internal or external threats, intentional or accidental;
  • communicate and disseminate information externally only for the correct performance of company activities, which take place in compliance with the rules and regulations in force;
  • ensure that all information security objectives are identified and that they meet company requirements;
  • establish the corporate roles and responsibilities for the development and maintenance of the personal data protection system, providing sufficient resources for the planning, implementation, organization, control, review, management and continuous improvement of the system itself;
  • check that the personal data protection system is integrated into all company processes, and that the procedures and controls are effectively developed;
  • approve and support all initiatives aimed at improving information security; –  activate programs for the dissemination of awareness and culture of safety of
  • information.


TEKROV outlines the strategies and objectives for managing sustainability risks, the so-called ESG (“Environmental, Social and Governance”), i.e. relating to issues of environmental, social and governance impact.

TEKROV undertakes to constantly improve and monitor its sustainability results, to manage and mitigate the ESG risks to which it is exposed, defining the roles and responsibilities of the corporate bodies and structures involved in the process of managing them.

In particular, TEKROV follows specific guidelines to achieve what has been set and acts in line with the 2030 Agenda, or the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UN Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs”), integrating this commitment into its business, through the definition of improvement programs and concrete objectives, cooperating in this sense with the stakeholders for the creation of shared value.


In particular TEKROV

  • undertakes to promote and respect universally recognized human rights, as well as to support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor and the effective elimination of child labor within their respective spheres of influence (both in relation to internal, and in relation to its suppliers);
  • implements, disseminates and monitors the correct functioning of a reporting system, even anonymously, of any problems relating to the failure to respect human rights and ethical values supported by the company, not admitting and fighting any form of retaliation against individuals who resort to reporting;
  • integrates “sustainability” into company strategy and processes, since it believes that the opportunities and well-being of customers and people who interact with TEKROV every day are necessary conditions for its ability to develop on the market and its sustainable success; to this end, TEKROV integrates the reading of current and emerging social and environmental needs into its strategic planning activity, in order to develop effective responses in this regard, also considering it essential for its development to adopt a proactive approach to knowledge, comparison and involvement of stakeholders, making transparency and non-financial reporting a characterizing objective of its action;
  • protects workers and equal opportunities at every stage of the career path (from selection, to hiring or starting a collaboration, to leaving the company), believing that one’s success is based on professional qualities and moral integrity, as well as on the collaboration and innovation skills of all its collaborators; therefore undertakes to build and maintain a work environment in which all these characteristics are present, and to support the development of everyone, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, personal condition, geographical origin and religious beliefs, so that people can find suitable conditions of respect and well-being;
  • constantly strives to strengthen its ability to promote and enhance the expression of different talents, in respect of all diversities, present in TEKROV, believing that the integration of different skills, abilities and attitudes contributes fundamentally to the activity collective value creation;
  • works to guarantee optimal conditions of health and safety in the workplace, with an incremental approach with respect to the provisions of the legislation in terms of prevention and culture of health, as described later in this document;


TEKROV, in pursuing a sustainable development project aimed at contributing to the improvement of the quality of the environment that surrounds us, undertakes to:

  • comply with environmental legislation, all regulations, other undersigned requirements, applicable to its activities;
  • protect the environment, acting so that its activities cause the minimum impact on the environment, adopting the principles of environmental protection, terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems and promoting the fight against climate change; to this end, TEKROV supports a preventive approach to environmental challenges, identifying and measuring the impact of its activities in the short, medium and long term, as well as by adopting processes and technologies aimed at reducing the negative externalities characteristic of its activities (for example, climate-altering emissions such as greenhouse gases, exploitation of natural and energy resources, waste production, loss of biodiversity, degradation of terrestrial ecosystems, including forests, and marine and freshwater ecosystems);
  • promote the training and information of workers on environmental protection, with particular regard to the correct management of waste and consumption;
  • informing, sensitizing and monitoring suppliers regarding mandatory and improvement aspects regarding environmental protection;
  • participate in initiatives that promote greater awareness and environmental responsibility among the world of production, customers and external stakeholders in general; in particular, TEKROV considers climate change and energy exploitation to be one of the main risks deriving, directly or indirectly, from the exercise of its activities, for this reason it aims to adopt governance and management methods aimed at identifying, assessing, managing and reduce exposure to this risk, both in relation to one’s own activities and spheres of influence;
  • define its commitments for the reduction of climate-altering emissions, outlining a climate strategy approved and periodically reviewed by the Management;
  • ensure an effective monitoring system of the most significant environmental aspects related to its activities and the expectations of the interested parties;
  • pursuing the continuous improvement of the environmental management system to increase its environmental performance, through the definition of measurable objectives and targets.

The Management is personally involved in respecting and implementing the aforementioned principles, ensuring their dissemination within the company and availability to all interested parties, as well as periodically verifying the achievement of environmental objectives and targets; moreover, it undertakes to systematically verify that this Policy is supported by all its workers, starting from the function managers.


In particular TEKROV:

  • carries out specific training for employees in order to increase the culture of legality and prevent fraudulent behaviour, episodes of corruption or conflict of interest, as well as money laundering phenomena, providing for internal reporting procedures to the corporate bodies responsible for issues relating to the implementation and compliance with the Code of Ethics, irregularities or violations of rules and principles, whether actual or presumed;
  • commits to a structured exercise of its duty of care to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how it addresses actual and potential adverse impacts, to corporate governance, employment, human rights, the environment, bribery and customers, in our business, supply chain and other business relationships;
  • defines and implements corporate strategies aimed at achieving Circular Economy objectives.

Health and safety in the workplace

One of TEKROV’s main objectives is the protection of the safety and health of its employees and collaborators, both in the operating units it pertains to and in the areas where it performs its services. To this end, it has established procedures that all the employees involved must know and respect.

The standards that the company pursues, supported by audit and control tools, allow TEKROV to better manage and monitor the achievement of the defined objectives.

TEKROV is constantly committed to ensuring the highest degree of protection of the health and safety of employees and collaborators by providing suitable means and resources, and making use of the active collaboration of the figures belonging to the Prevention and Protection Service.

The Management is responsible for the development of the programme, objectives and procedures relating to safety, their implementation, assistance and supervision of employees and personnel involved in work processes.

In pursuing objectives of development and improvement of safety procedures, also on the basis of the contents of the Risk Assessment Document (DVR), TEKROV sets up its activities considering necessary:

  • communication of this Policy to all employees and people who work on behalf of the organization, making it available (publication on the company intranet in the Documentation section and on the organization’s website);
  • compliance with legislation, regulations, voluntary agreements and other applicable legal requirements, in particular regarding the environment, health and safety, minimizing the sources of risk and the impact on the environment;
  • individual empowerment, program involvement and motivation of employees and other people working on behalf of the organization;
  • training and information for workers on environmental protection, risk prevention in the workplace, health and safety;
  • information, awareness and control of suppliers regarding mandatory aspects and improvement in matters of health and safety;
  • the supply of adequate personal protective equipment and information on their correct use;
  • the application of health protocols that monitor the health of the patients in the most accurate way
  • workers;
  • the correct and transparent management of internal and external communications with all interested parties, of reports and complaints from outside, also through information, statistical surveys, handouts, verification questionnaires and periodic meetings, on the subject of safety;
  • continuous improvement of processes and effectiveness of programs with appropriate updates.

Finally, TEKROV has set up an e-mail address ( and made specific documentation available to all employees on the company intranet, including this Policy, in order to:

  • facilitate the evidence of any health, safety and environmental issues inherent in their work activities;
  • provide constant information;
  • improve the quality of life in the professional environment in which they are inserted.

The Integrated Policy signed by the highest position of the Top Management and disclosed in a suitable way to all employees and collaborators, as well as to the interested parties, constitutes the commitment of the Company TekRov FZE-LLC for the achievement of the objectives with a view to Maximum Satisfaction of the Customer, for the continuous improvement of the products/services provided, the Protection of Information, with maximum attention to the protection of the personal data of Employees, Customers, Suppliers and Collaborators, the Promotion of Sustainability, at a social, environmental and governance level, as well as of the Protection of the Health and Safety of the Workers involved in the production process.

This policy is periodically reviewed by Top Management in order to assess its continuing effectiveness and suitability.

Dubai, 01/02/2024

Chief Executive Officer 

Salvatore Rovella