There is always a way…

… and we will help you to find it

A passion for creating opportunities and for finding solutions

Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from young entrepreneur to multinational companies.

Installation and Maintenance

Safety first. Then we can discuss about installation and maintenance. Our multicultural, skilled, quick teams can operate on installations and maintenance worldwide on a wide range of different plants and equipment, from Oil & Gas to Paper Industry, from Pharmaceutical to Renewable Energy Plants.


We can design, calculate, draw and test your ideas, no matter the sector; it can be an industrial equipment or a building. We have teams of engineers specialized in a variety of sectors.

Procurement, Trading and Wholesale Services

We have in our portfolio a lot of supplier. And if you need something more, we will find it. We are not only expert in trading and supplying, but also in improving every process related to procurement, with the newest IT solutions and technologies.


We did’t study everything on books. We were living and working always on the field. That’s the origin of our skills; that’s the reason why our view is so wide, from the startup of a NewCo, to improve every process, from production to financial assessment.

Strategic Advisory

From the Top Management, all the way down through the company. We will find ways to reduce costs and improve profitability. We can help you to get the right positioning on the market and to setup the best strategy to go a step ahead towards excellence.

Representation of Companies

We are glad to put our expertise at your service and we are proud to bring the name of your company ahead in a new market. Especially in United Arab Emirates and all around Middle East, we can support your business with a local and strong presence.

An array of resources

Dynamic and flexible structure, deep technical skills, great experience and a huge network partners, supplier and customer: that’s the secret of our success.

New ideas? Just have a chat about…

  • More than 20 years of business developing
  • Multiskills and multicultural teams
  • Deep technical knowledge

Looking for the future? Just have a chat about…

  • Partner in many startup companies and research projects
  • R&D department at your disposal
  • Direct connection with some of the most innovative companies around the world

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

Charles Darwin

Geologist and Biologist, Greenprint

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